About Us

Badges Patches are a web and SEO consultancy based in Warwickshire, UK. We provide service’s to website owners that range from consultation through to implementation of structured plans. All our work is carried out to the latest standards and only ever using ‘White Hat’ methods.

Since 2008 we have provided SEO services, and over the years have added more services to our range of products, including Social media consultation and management, website reputation management and website management.

The vast majority of our work is carried out in house, by a team of 3 experienced SEO consultants, and any outsourcing that is required, is kept within the UK wherever possible. For some article submissions we employ the services of professional copywriters, also UK based.

We can be contacted through the contact us page on this website, by sending an email to admin@badgespatches.com, or give us a call on 0121 286 8210.

 Badges Patches