The below claims to be sent from companies house. But its not. It has a file attachment, which we presume includes some virus or something not very good.
We had this come through to a couple of domains, on non existent email address. We have catch all set, so we got to read it.
The domain is registered by someone who isn’t the government, but appears to be Russian judging by the whois. Most UK government organisations use domain.
The date is incorrectly laid out ofr the UK market. Rather than being DD/MM/YY its MM/DD/YY.
Our advise is delete immediately, and ignore.
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 07:51:09 -0400
To: hadband@*****
Subject: FW: (CC01) Company Complaint
From: “Companies House” <>
Company Complaint This message has been generated in response to the company complaint submitted to Companies House.
(CC01) Company Complaint for the above company was accepted on 04/24/2018.
Please check attached documents for more information.
The submission number is id: 536ffa992-491508d-ca0354e-52f32a3-7a679a53a
Please quote this number in any communications with Companies House.
Note: Attached documents are encrypted with a unique Private Key.
Service Desk tel +44 (0)303 8097 432 or email
Note: This email was sent from a notification-only email address which cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply directly to this message
If you’re unsure an email is from Companies House:
- Do not reply to it or click on any links
- Report the suspicious email to Companies House
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